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Saints and Marian advocations at the Cathedral

In total there are more than 140. The Virgin Mary is the best-represented among the images, followed by Saint Eulalia and the Archangels Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel.

Among the most recent incorporations are a monument to Saint Josep Manyanet on the altar to the Virgin of Pilar, a sculpture of beatus Pere Tarrés, a sculpture of beatus Josep Tous and a group of sculptures dedicated to the 146 pious victims of religious persecution from 1936-1939 in different chapels of the Cloister.

We set out below a list of the main advocations and a map of their locations.


Aaron Chapel 17
Acisclus of Cordoba Chapel 5
Agatha Chapel 16
Agustin Keystone vault Lateral nave right 1st
Alexander Stained-glass, above chapel 3
All Saints Chapel 50
Ambrose of Milan Chapel 33
Andrew, apostle Chapel 21
Anianas, bishop Chapel 17
Anna Chapel 65
Annunciation Chapel 34
Anselm Chapel 4 (stained-glass)
Anthony Mary Claret Chapel 23
Anthony of Padua Chapel 5
Anthony, abbot Chapel 38
Ascension Mary Chapel 19
Ascension of our lord Chapel 34


Baptism of Jesus Chapel 15
Barbara Chapel 10
Bartholomew, apostle Chapel 20
Benedict Chapel 36
Bernard of Clairvaux Chapel 78 (keystone)
Bernadette Chapel 75
Bernardine of Sienna Chapel 18
Birth of Jesus Chapel 19
Birth of Mary Chapel 29


Cajetan of Thiene Chapel 9
Catherine of Alexandria Chapel 32
Cecilia Chapel 9
Christ de Lepanto Chapel 4
Christ of Good Shelter Chapel 70
Christ of the Pieta Chapel 5
Christopher Chapel 8 (keystone 1 and 2)
Clare of Assisi Chapel 32
Clement Chapel 3 (keystone)
Coronation of Mary Chapel 19
Cosmas Chapel 5
Crispin, king Chapel 17
Crispina, queen Chapel 17
Cucuphas Chapel 4 (stained-glass)


Damien Chapel 5
Descendimiento from the Cross Chapel 36
Dionysius, bishop Chapel 21 (keystone)
Domingo de Guzmán Chapel 9


Ecce Homo Chapel 21
Eligius Chapel 64
Epiphany Chapel 34
Eugenie, virgin and martyr Chapel 7 keystone
Eulalia Chapel 28, sepulcher Crypt, retrochoir
Euphrosyne Chapel 65, keystone.


Felix Main entrance, buttress
Flagellation Chapel 35
Francis Borgia Stained-glass gallery above chap 5
Francis of Assisi Chapel 31
Francis of Paola Chapel 4 (stained-glass)
Francis Xavier Chapel 11


Gabriel Archangel Chapel 34
Genesius Chapel 61 (colectoria)
George Chapel 37 and 72
Geronimo Chapel 18
God our Father Chapel 17
Goretti, Maria Chapel 74
Gregory Thaumaturgus Stained-glass gallery above chap8.
Gregory the Great, pope Chapel 31


Helena Chapel 34
Holy Family Chapel 73


Ignatius of Loyola Chapel 23
Immaculate Conception Chapel 3
Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel 21
Isabelle of Hungary Chapel 20
Ivo Keystone above the door with his name and chapel 78


James the Greater, Apostle Chapel 72
James the Younger, Apostle Main entrance, 4th left
Jesus praying in Getsemani Chapel 34
Joachim Chapel 65
Joachima of Vedruna Stained-glass above chapel 3
John the Baptist Chapel 35
John the Evangelist Chapel 33
Joseph Chapels 34 and 73
Joseph of Calasanz Chapel 23
Joseph Oriol Chapel 6
Joseph Tous i Soler (Beatus) Chapel 79
Jude Thaddeus Chapel 70


Laurentinus Chapel 19
Louis Bertrand, presbyter Stained-glass on cimborio
Louis Gonzaga Stained-glass above chapel 17
Louis of Toulouse Chapel 32
Louis, king of France Chapel 23 (stained-glass)
Lucia Chapel 74
Luke Chapel 37


Madrona Chapel 17
Maria Goretti Chapel 74
María de Cervellon Main Entry Buttress
Mark, evangelist Chapel 17
Martha Keystone, chap9, 1 and 2
Marta Clave de Bóveda, cap.9, 1 y 2
Martin of Tours Chapel 33
Mary Magdalene Chapel 20
Matthew, evangelist Chapel 11
Medana Stained-glass above chapel 15
Melchizedek, priest Chapel 17
Michael Archangel Chapel 18


Nicasius Chapel 21
Nicholas of Bari Chapel 10
Noli me tangere Stained-glass chapel 15 and 22


Ollegarius Chapel 4
Onouphrius Painting in the Cathedral museum
Our Lady of Czestochowa Chapel 71
Our Lady of Fatima Cahpel 11
Our Lady of Joy Chapel 22
Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel 75
Our Lady of Mercy Chapel 31
Our Lady of Montserrat Chapel 23
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel 38
Our Lady of Nuria Chapel 69
Our Lady of Pilar Chapel 10
Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel 4
Our Lady of the Angels Chapel 5 and 20
Our Lady of the Bust Stained-glass above chapels 8-9
Our Lady of the Good Birth Chapel 73
Our Lady of the Light Chapel 62
Our Lady of the Rock Chapel 71
Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel 19


Pacian Chapel 11
Pancras Chapel 7
Paul, apostle Chapel 9
Paulinus of Nola Tower above chapel 15
Pentecost Medallion above information
Pere Tarrés (Beatus) Chapel 80
Peter Nolasco Chapel 31
Peter of Verona, martyr Chapel 9
Peter, apostle Chapel 33
Philip Apostle Main entrance. 2nd left
Philip Neri Chapel 7
Presentation of Jesús at the Temple Chapel 34
Presentation of the Virgin Chapel 29


Quiriacus Chapel 4


Raymond Nonnatus Chapel 65
Raymond of Pennafort Chapel 8
Restitutus Chapel 9
Resurrection Chapel 19
Resurrection of Lazarus Chapel 65 (keystone in front of the chapel)
Richard, King Chapel 20 (stained-glass)
Rita of Cascia Chapel 69
Roch Chapel 7


Sacred Heart Chapel 30
Salvator of Horta Chapel 17
Sebastian Chapel 21
Severus Chapel 16
Simeon Main entrance, 3rd right
Souls in purgatory Chapel 29
Stephan Chapel 32
Sylvester Chapel 31


Tecla Chapel 10
Teresa of Jesus Chapel 72
Teresa of the Andes Chapel 65
The Magi Chapel 34
The Wedding at Cana Chapel 36
Thomas Aquinas Chapel 33 (stained-glass)
Thomas Becket Chapel 81 (stained-glass)
Thomas, apostle Main entrance, 3rd left
Transfiguration Chapel 36


Vincent Ferrer Chapel 11
Visitation of Our Lady Chapel 37


Zachariah, father of Saint John the Baptist Chapel 34
Zachariah, priest and prophet Chapel 34 (stained-glass)