There is a pond with a fountain in the Cloister of the Cathedral. It is home to 13 white geese representing, according to tradition, the age of Saint Eulalia when she was martyred.

Blessing of the district
On 3 May at 9:00 am the municipal district of Barcelona is blessed from the rooftops of the Cathedral, on the occasion of the Day of the Holy Cross, for which the Cathedral is named. This act is open to everyone who wants to participate.

Corpus Christi
For the celebration of the Day of the Body and Blood of Christ, a Mass is held in the Plaza of the See, presided over by the archbishop of Barcelona and is followed by a procession of the Holy Sacrament through the surrounding streets. This celebration includes the participation of the bestiari (traditional Catalan figures brought out for holidays) and the castellers (human towers) and other dances traditional to the city.

The dancing egg (l’ou com balla)
Each year for the celebration of Corpus Christi, the traditional dancing egg comes to the Cloister of the Cathedral.
This custom consists of making an egg dance on the water of the Cloister fountain, which is decorated with flowers and red cherries.
The Cathedral of Barcelona was the first to present the dancing egg in Barcelona, going back at least to 1636.

Saint Lucia
On her feast day, 13 December, devotees of this martyr and protector of sight visit the Romanesque chapel dedicated to the Saint to adore her relics.

Saint Lucia Fair
The Saint Lucia Fair runs from the beginning of December to the 23rd of the month, with the sale of nativity figures and Christmas decorations. It is held on the Avenida de la Catedral.

Saint Rita
On 22 May, feast day of Saint Rita of Casia (who has a chapel dedicated to her in the Cloister of the Cathedral), roses are blessed after the 11:00am Mass.