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from January 13th to May 22th, 2022
  • In the Museu Diocesà de Barcelona (next to the Cathedral) and in the Chapter House of the Cathedral.
  • It presents the orientalist view of painting at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th through great masters such as Fortuny, Sorolla, Benlliure, Lluís i Francesc Masriera, Sánchez Barbudo or Agrasot, among other key artists on this subject.
  • Linked to the exhibition “The Biblicist’s gaze” at the Museu de Montserrat, which presents the photographs taken by the monk of this monastery, Fr. Bonaventura Ubach, during his stay in the Holy Land and other surrounding countries (from November 12th, 2021 to July 17th, 2022).